Psoriasis Pain Relief for Psoriasis Burning Pain and Psoriatic Arthritis

World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024

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Psoriasis pain relief

Psoriasis pain relief is an important consideration for those who suffer from this skin condition. Anyone who has struggled with this disease dreads the onset of pain, which can last for days even with treatment. Multiple treatment options available today can help in controlling the burning and pain. Despite this however, not everyone gets the same level of relief from using any one treatment.

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Types of Psoriasis Pain Relief Treatment

The first step in finding some respite from the physical discomfort of psoriasis is dependent on the areas of the body that are affected. For example, a product that effectively deals with psoriatic arthritis will not treat psoriasis of the scalp. Some people use a combination of prescription medication and natural remedies.

As with treating most illnesses, the choice largely relates to the individual’s personal beliefs. The treatments help to control itching, burning and inflammation, which is important in preventing or minimizing the onset of pain. The three main approaches to finding relief are:

Prescription Medication/Over-the-Counter (OTC) Products


A number of medicinal options exist for managing the discomfort resulting from this condition. Some of the most common medications in the arsenal of psoriasis sufferers:

  • Pain tablets such as aspirin and other OTC may be helpful
  • Ointments and rubs: Topical OTC rubs for pains such as Voltaren and Bengay are useful for dealing with painful joints, unless there is inflammation of the skin
  • Topical corticosteroids: These help with the itching which can be quite painful if it becomes intense

Natural/Homemade Remedies

Some of the most well known natural remedies for psoriasis pain relief are:

  • Acupuncture: This ancient Chinese remedy helps to soothe inflammation and reduce pain. Some practitioners combine acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicines for better results
  • Heat packs: This is ideal for reducing the joint pain usually caused by psoriatic arthritis
  • Ice packs: Applying these to affected areas can help to reduce inflammation and soothe painful joints

Lifestyle Changes

For those with the most painful form of the condition, psoriatic arthritis, some lifestyle changes play a big role in pain management. Some of the changes that can help provide psoriasis pain relief are:

  • Starting a weight loss regimen: For those who are overweight, shedding pounds will result in less stress being put on the joints
  • Improving your diet: Joint health can be significantly improved with proper diet which includes added calcium and glucosamine, which can also be taken as supplements
  • Including exercise in your daily routine: While a high impact exercise routine may not be the best option, some exercises will help minimize the pain that stems from psoriatic arthritis.

In extreme cases of psoriatic arthritis, the only way to get relief from the pain is through surgery. This is generally a last resort and is the best option for people facing deformity of joints, which can result in disability. In addition to surgery, others ways that to minimize joint pains are:

  • Splints can help to support the joints and minimize movement
  • Physical therapy sessions strengthen arthritic joints over time
  • Injectables are sometimes the only way to minimize pain. The medication of choice here is some type of corticosteroid, which is more effective than the oral medications

Finding any type psoriasis pain relief is always a blessing to sufferers, especially those who go on to develop psoriatic arthritis. What is certain is that some people get good results by using a combination of treatments. Over time, replacing some treatments will be necessary as they become less effective or start to induce allergic reactions.

People with psoriasis have to be conscious of what works for them, and when these treatments stop working. The management of psoriasis and the control of the accompanying pain, itching and burning require knowledge and consistency in treatment.



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