My Psoriasis Story

World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024

Inspiring Hope and Empowering Individuals with Psoriasis

Understand Why the Dead Sea is Beneficial for Psoriasis

my psoriasis story


When I first learned that I had psoriasis, I stopped swimming and playing sports; I always wore a shirt with long sleeves and constantly tried to hide my psoriasis. I was ashamed of the disease and hated when people asked me questions.My Psoriasis Story,

During my time in the library, I came across a book written by a Swiss doctor, Catherine Kousmine, who suffers with psoriasis. She wrote the book after years of research, and said the most important part of coping with the disease requires the affected person and their family members to accept it and come to terms with the fact that no cure currently exists. Some time after reading this book, I came to accept my psoriasis and was overcome with relief. I started to swim and play sports again, no longer caring about other people’s stares, questions or thoughts.

My Personal Treatment Plan

Looking back I can say that the first 10 years of my disease were the worst. The disease affected my arms, knees, shoulders, hands and upper back. It was at this time that I began my research and discovered the salt of the Dead Sea offered some relief. After doing more research, I finally found someone selling Dead Sea Salt and began to bathe in it two to three times a week. I soon noticed that the pain was less, the itching almost stopped and the red skin was minimal. However, I had to use extreme discipline with this natural method and take the bath with the punctuality of a Swiss watch.My Psoriasis Story,

Since discovering this treatment, I developed a desire to go to Israel, to the Dead Sea, for therapy, but at the time, years ago, I could not afford this trip. The sea, located in the middle of the desert, was served by fewer than twenty hotels, the cheapest of which cost $160 a night, plus airfare. This is not too expensive if you go for only a week, but the doctor recommended I go for an entire month. Finally, in 2006 I made the trip, which I will share with you elsewhere on my website, along with more affordable traveling options.

Dead SeaDead Sea, beach Lot Hotel, where you can find black mud

Black mud from the Dead Sea, Ein Bokek - Israel

The Dead Seas is −424 m (−1,391 ft) below Sea level

Aside from using the salt of the Dead Sea, I also found the use of ultraviolet light B (UVB) therapy to be quite successful. Again, the same discipline applied with this method of treatment as with the sea salt and required a doctor‘s visit two to three times a week. Additionally, I received autogenic training and found this to be very helpful for my personal battle against psoriasis. My Psoriasis Story,

It was a great pleasure to introduce myself, and I really hope my experiences help you in your struggle with psoriasis. Just remember, before you start or stop any treatment, always talk to your doctor or specialist.

All the best, Albert B.



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