Psoriasis Hair Loss: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Psoriatic Hair Loss

World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024

Inspiring Hope and Empowering Individuals with Psoriasis

For many sufferers of psoriasis hair loss can be a real and present danger regardless of age, gender, or genetic disposition. Exposure of the condition of your scalp as your hair falls out, leads to further embarrassment and uncomfortable feelings. Fortunately, if you identify the warning signs and treat it early before it becomes a bigger problem, you can reverse the hair loss.

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Symptoms and Causes

It is not surprising that, after that, that the earliest sign of psoriasis loss of hair is a scratchy scalp. Cleaning as well as cleaning eliminates the dead skin cells, yet in many cases, undiagnosed instances of psoriasis are puzzled quickly for a bad instance of dandruff.

Psoriasis at a fundamental degree is the problem, which triggers your body to create a lot of added skin cells. This brings about accumulate of flaky skin in various locations of your body that swiftly dry and also end up being scratchy.

psoriasishairlossPsoriasis with hairloss

If you just pass it off as dandruff, you run a much higher risk of psoriasis hair loss as the build up of skin cells will smother your hair follicles and stop them from producing more hair. Essentially, they are dead and you will lose any hair attached to these affected follicles.

Fortunately, psoriasis is only skin deep, while your hair follicles sit a little deeper into your scalp and are fed by blood vessels under the skin layers. This means that once the psoriasis is treated, the follicles will start to produce hair again.

Like other forms of psoriasis, scalp psoriasis can and will spread slowly from one central location if untreated. Obviously, your hair covers a lot of it making it harder to spot, but your scalp does extend beyond your hairline.

You should immediate medical advice if you notice a build up skin on your forehead, neck or around your ears. This will be even more important if itching and dandruff like symptoms have accompanied it.

Dealing with Psoriasis Hair Loss

While hair loss from psoriasis can be an embarrassing process, a wide range of treatments will help depending on how quickly you managed to catch the condition. Some of these work for some people and not others depending on your genetics, so you may need to spend sometime with your doctor working out the best combination.

The most common treatment that health care professionals offer include:

  • Coal tar – This is the most common ingredient in shampoos specifically targeting scalp psoriasis and it helps to reduce the inflammation of the condition which in turn helps to reduce the itchiness.
  • Salicylic acid – The shampoos will typically contain small amounts of salicylic acid, which helps to reduce the build up of skin cells by making it harder for them to reproduce in a local area.
  • Aloe Vera – Any hair product that contains aloe vera will provide a soothing effect and some psoriasis sufferers prefer it as it is a natural product instead of attacking the problem with harsh man made chemicals.

You should begin to see results in a month or two depending on the level of your problem and the strength of the shampoo you are using. Other non-medical ways to treat psoriasis hair loss is to massage the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles and to drink more water. The water helps to break down toxins in your blood stream that may affect your psoriasis.

Stress can also be responsible for scalp psoriasis, so you may find that you need to make some lifestyle changes if this is deemed the root cause of the problem. In any case, if you spot any of the symptoms, you should see a health care professional and have it checked out as soon as possible.



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Psoriasis hair loss, just one symptom of psoriasis

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