Psoriasis Home Treatment May Include Sunshine, Exercise and Diet

World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024

Inspiring Hope and Empowering Individuals with Psoriasis

A psoriasis home treatment can help sufferers to varying degrees. Alternatives to western medicine offer relief when dealing with this distressing and often painful skin disease.

Obtaining knowledge and learning the affects psoriasis has on the body is your first step in finding a natural remedy. The reason you need to know about the disease is that the location of the affected area determines the regimen used to fight the infection.

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What is Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a non-contagious, non-discriminatory skin disease; in other words, anyone can get it. Scientists have yet to find a definitive cause of psoriasis, although many assume it occurs because of a genetic predisposition. The condition results when the immune system produces new skin cells faster than the norm. People with the disease produce new skin every two to six days while people without psoriasis create skin every 28 days.

Common Psoriasis Home Treatment

When dealing with this skin condition, many people have concerns regarding the cost of prescription medication and possible side effects. This can lead you to search for an alternative treatment, such as a home remedy.

Many of the natural remedies used to treat psoriasis exist in the home or on the shelves of a natural health store. The intent of a psoriasis home treatment is to help with scale removal, improve joint function and restore the health of affected skin. Each psoriasis home treatment below is worth trying:



Exposure to sunlight helps in the management of the condition; however, proper sun care is still necessary to prevent skin cancer. The growth of skin cells tends to slow down with exposure to ultraviolet light, so spending about 20 minutes in the sun periodically is a cheap and effective treatment option.


Adding moisture to your skin helps remove the excess skin and loosens the crust. You can try massaging a cup of warm olive oil combined with one or two drops of oregano oil onto affected areas to moisturize rough skin. You may use other oils for this purpose but perform a skin test first to check for an allergic reaction.

Additionally, warm olive oil also helps to treat the condition of the scalp. When used for treating scalp psoriasis, massage a small amount of warm olive oil into the scalp to help remove scales and moisturize the skin. Once you finish, wash your hair as normal.

Aloe Vera is another household item offering a lot of moisture. This multi-purpose plant soothes dry skin caused by psoriasis and works better than most natural remedies. To use, mix the Aloe Vera gel with crushed garlic or garlic juice and apply to affected area for a soothing effect.


Exercise has the potential to help stiff, inflamed joints and is a necessary part of any psoriasis treatment. However, it is equally important to be careful and not strain yourself while exercising. For this reason, some good choices for psoriasis sufferers include tai chi, yoga, swimming and stretching. Before starting these or any exercise programs, make sure to consult your physician first.

Joint Support

Splints and other supports for joints assist in improving your range of motion and decrease pressure, which can relieve pain and irritation to already affected joints. At the same time, you must be careful not to stiffen or weaken joints by over utilizing the splints or support devices.

It is always advisable to consult a doctor when starting any type of alternative treatment, and this goes for any psoriasis home treatment as well. Most of the natural remedies for this condition are relatively cheap or free as in the case of warm sunshine and salty seawater.



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Psoriasis Home Treatment, more about natural psoriasis treatment

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National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases