New Treatments Psoriasis Include Light Therapy,Climatotherapy, and Biologics

World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024

Inspiring Hope and Empowering Individuals with Psoriasis

new treatments psoriasis,

With current breakthroughs in brand-new psoriasis therapies, victims are not hopelessly long-lasting disabling episodes of psoriasis sores. Rather, study entailing genes and even the body immune system are generating much more reliable drugs, which includes biologics and even improved ultraviolet light treatment, relieving the underlying source of psoriasis, the overflow of skin cells.

Understand Why the Dead Sea is Beneficial for Psoriasis

According to the 16th edition of the Merck Manual, psoriasis is a disfiguring and painful disorder manifesting in unsightly plaques that can appear anywhere on the body.

Not only does this disease cause intense itching, pain and sometimes restriction of movements, psoriasis takes an emotional toll on people who suffer from it. Psoriasis can be just as damaging psychologically to a patient as it can physically.

Aggressive investigations into new treatments psoriasis is one reason researchers discovered the problem with STAT3, a protein that initiates flare-ups of psoriasis no longer as much of a mystery as it once was.

Lynn Kincaid, writing for a 2005 edition of Drug Discovery Today claims "At least 12 distinct chromosomal loci are involved in psoriasis, with the principle causative factors for psoriasis outbreaks being mostly environmental".

Current Treatment Trends

Although psoriasis is, now, incurable, many effective treatments exist for the management of chronic psoriasis. One problem that researchers are addressing is the fact that these treatments often lose their efficacy after a certain period of time or the patient experiences moderate to severe side effects.

The worst of these side effects includes increased risk of kidney or liver toxicity, immunosuppression, photosensitivity and an increased risk developing melanoma.

In regards to new treatments psoriasis seems to be positively affected by a new calcineurin inhibitor referred to as ISA247, which directly influences the activity of T-cells. In addition, ISA247 appears to reduce symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, diabetes, schizophrenia and even organ rejection when the kidneys are involved.

Biologic medications are the newest and most promising treatments for psoriasis, especially for those suffering from moderate to severe psoriasis. Created from living cells, hence the name "biologic", these medications eliminate or inhibit immune system cells, specifically T-cells, primarily instigating most forms of psoriasis.

Biologics such as Enbrel, Amevive and Cyclosporine have all proved to be effective medications relieving psoriasis symptoms in over 90 percent of sufferers.

For many other new treatments psoriasis also seems to respond well to those containing synthetic retinoids, such as Soriatane, Sulfasalazine, Hydrea, 6-Thioguianine and Accutane. Contemporary treatment methods are not all chemically inclined.

Many psoriasis sufferers are experimenting with alternative forms of treatment plans that involve holistic concepts, such as:

  • Natural sunlight
  • Climatotherapy/Dead Sea Salts
  • Meditation and yoga
  • Herbally-based medicines
  • Dietary supplements

Hypnotherapy is an interesting but relatively unresearched form of psoriasis treatment with which some patients are experimenting. Theoretically, being hypnotized by a trained hypnotherapist is supposed to relax the patient enough to allow the therapist to make suggestions to the patient that work to alleviate psoriasis symptoms.

By addressing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy aims to provide psoriasis patients with coping mechanisms effectively dealing with the stress of psoriasis, which often exacerbates the condition.

New Treatments Psoriasis Climatotherapy 

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For some psoriasis sufferers, outbreaks are so chronic and severe that moving to a climate beneficial to psoriasis relief is the last resort. One such place is the Dead Sea, a lake high in salt content that borders Israel and Jordan. 

Due to a combination of filtered ultraviolet rays, warm climate, low humidity and the rich mineral content of the sea, people with psoriasis as well as other serious skin conditions have found relief from visiting this area. Spas and resorts catering to psoriasis patients are available all around the Dead Sea, offering therapeutic mud and salt baths as well as other complementary treatment methods.

With consistent advances being made regarding new treatments psoriasis outbreaks may be controlled with100 percent effectiveness.

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National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases