A Proper Psoriasis Diet May Help Prevent Exacerbating the Condition

World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024

Inspiring Hope and Empowering Individuals with Psoriasis

A psoriasis diet may involve staying clear of gluten-containing foods. What you eat tremendously impacts your health. Your diet becomes even more important when a disease is involved. Since psoriasis is linked to an immune deficiency, immunity boosting foods should be high on your list.

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Gluten and Psoriasis Diet

Gluten is found in foods high in starch, such as rye, wheat and barley products. People with antibodies to a gluten component can develop a condition called celiac disease. When people with this condition eat gluten-containing foods they are likely to experience gastrointestinal symptoms and have a pustular break out.

Pustules are typical in a lot of kinds of psoriasis, as well as individuals with psoriasis are most likely to have anti-gliadin antibodies. There isn't really a great deal of information to support this link, yet some research studies reveal obvious renovations in the problem when the individual takes on a gluten-free diet regimen.

A comparable problem, called palmo-plantar pustulosis, potentially a psoriasis variation, has actually additionally come along on a gluten-free diet regimen. Renovations in many situations were small, so if you do not see a recognizable distinction, there is no factor in denying on your own of gluten-containing foods.

Most dietary studies have ended with disappointing results. Fish oil looked very promising, at one point. Apparently, Greenland Eskimos have generally less cases of psoriasis and researchers believed their diet, high in omega-3 fish oils, might be the reason.

This theory gained plausibility when these people starting developing psoriasis after emigrating to Denmark and eating more red meat.

Fish Oil

Unfortunately, introducing fish oil into the diets of other psoriasis patents showed disappointing results. It turns out the Greenland Eskimos possess a genetic advantage which allows their bodies to use the fish oils to reduce the chance of contracting inflammatory diseases. Without this genetic factor, omega-3 has no significant benefits. 

A Beneficial Psoriasis Diet

Other studies show minor reductions in frequency and severity of psoriasis outbreaks by simply eating healthier in general.

This includes eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and chicken protein, lots of fiber and olive oil and avoiding red meat, refined carbohydrates and processed foods.

However, one study found just the opposite. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, catchup, onions and garlic were shown to be most likely to trigger an outbreak.

Scientific Evidence

There is no concrete, scientific evidence supporting the claim that grape seed extract supplements clear up psoriasis, or even reduce the frequency of flare-ups. Ester C, olive leaves and shark cartilage also have not been proven effective. When considering any type of supplements or herbal remedies, it's important to remember some can react negatively with any prescription drugs you may be taking.

Large quantities of certain supplements may even be toxic. Always consult your doctor before taking any type of dietary supplements or herbal remedies.

Different people react differently to food. What works for one person does not necessarily work for someone else. The most important thing you can do is keep track of what does and does not work for you and stick with what works.

Drinking plenty of water, at least two liters per day, has shown positive results, as dehydration seems to worsen the condition. When in doubt, consult your doctor. A doctor familiar with your medical history is best at recommending an appropriate psoriasis diet for you.



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National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases