Psoriasis Causes and Treatments: How and Why Psoriasis Occurs
Psoriasis Causes and Treatment
The most common symptoms include:
- joint pain, swelling or stiffness
- red joints that may feel warm
- pain in the feet and ankles
- changes in fingernails or toenails
- lower back pain
kind of ailment can remain relatively mild, but in many cases it
progresses to a severe and destructive disease. Typically, periods of
outbreaks alternate with states of remission. Prolonged inflammation
could result in permanent joint or bone damage, that is why early
diagnosis and treatment is crucial. psoriasis causes,
The exact cause is not known, but several studies suggest a genetic connection.

World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024
Inspiring Hope and Empowering Individuals with
Psoriasis on the elbow
of this type disease resemble many other diseases. There is no one test
to positively identify the disease, but a doctor specializing in joint
diseases may be able to accurately diagnose the condition with a variety
of tests.
Contributing factors to a positive diagnosis include:
- a family history of psoriatic arthritis, or a patient with psoriasis
- testing negatively for rheumatoid arthritis
- arthritis in the upper finger joints
- deep ridges or pits in toenails or fingernails
- x-rays indicating changes in the joints
symptoms separating psoriatic arthritis from other types of arthritis
may include inflammation at the back of the heel or on the soles of the
feet. Psoriasis causes and treatment.
Psoriatic arthritis is classified into five main types:
- Asymmetric
– approximately 70% of patients are affected by this type. It is
usually mild and does not show up in the same joints on both sides,
meaning, if your right heel is affected, your left heel won't be.
Usually less than three joints are affected.
- Symmetric
– approximately 25% of the cases are this type. Joints on both sides of
the body are affected simultaneously. Nearly half of the people with
this type are left completely disabled.
- Arthritis mutilans
– this type is extremely destructive and deforming. Luckily, less than
5% of patients are affected. The condition progresses over months or
years and causes severe damage to the joints.
- Spondylitis - usually characterized by stiffness in the neck or spine, but may affect feet and hands, as well.
- Distal interphalangeal predominant
– approximately 5% of patients have this type. It is characterized by
stiffness and inflammation in the upper fingers. Visible changes appear
in fingernails and toenails, as well. Psoriasis causes and treatment.
Sitemap in alphabetical order
More about what causes psoriasis
Distribution of psoriasis severity
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National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases