Psoriasis is a skin condition that leads to the rapid growth of skin cells. This more than normal growth of skin cells leads to inflammation and the formation of scaly plaques all over the skin. Psoriasis Ayurveda. Many medications prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis have some uncomfortable side effects. This is why most of the people suffering from psoriasis look for natural treatments for their skin condition.
One of the most commonly used natural medicines to treat psoriasis is Ayurvedic medicine. Psoriasis Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is an ancient treatment method that originated in northern India. It is an ancient method of treating different diseases based on the collective health and wellbeing of the mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda relies heavily on herbal medicines and remedies. People who practice Ayurveda are advocates of a healthy living style. It includes:
Psoriasis Ayurveda
The followers and practitioners of Ayurveda believe that everyone has a discrete energy pattern that defines their health and wellbeing. It is made up of three different kinds of energies:
According to Ayurveda experts, you become sick or stressed if your doshas are out of balance. Psoriasis Ayurveda experts use the Panchakarma therapy to treat psoriasis.
Psoriasis Ayurveda.
If you are suffering from psoriasis, then you can get help from panchakarma therapy in Ayurveda. These treatments purify the body by detoxing it from the negative energies and elements. Ayurveda experts recommend a vegetarian diet for the treatment of psoriasis.
Here’s what the treatment includes:
The success of panchakarma therapy depends on the commitment to the treatment and the severity of the condition. Psoriasis Ayurveda.
Here are some other Ayurvedic treatment options for psoriasis.
Psoriasis Ayurveda
You may have to shift to a vegetarian diet if you follow Ayurvedic practices for the treatment of psoriasis. Avoid foods that contain too much carbohydrate content. You should also avoid foods that have high sugar content. Psoriasis Ayuverda.
Ayurveda experts also suggest you avoid foods that taste too sour or salty. Too much acidic foods should also be avoided. You should listen to your body and act accordingly to keep it clean and in its natural state. Responding to urges to defecate or urinate will clear the body of the toxins that commonly cause skin issues. Psoriasis Ayurveda.
It is important to keep the area of psoriasis clean and soft to avoid aggravating the skin condition further. Baths also reduce stress as they are soothing and comforting. This can help reduce the incidences of psoriasis. Ayurveda experts also suggest using natural moisturizers, such as olive oil and coconut oil, to keep the skin as moisturized as possible. This helps relieve discomfort and itching associated with psoriasis. Psoriasis Ayurveda.
Disclaimer: Ayurvedic products are considered as supplements by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Authority. These treatment options don’t have to go through rigorous safety testing, as is the case with other medications. It is important to be careful when using Ayurvedic products for psoriasis. Only use the products that are marked ‘All Natural’.